Our standard delivery timing is 3 working days after your order has been confirmed. For urgent orders, please indicate in the remarks section when making your order or give us a call at 6734-4844 prior to placing your order. Each delivery is S$15. For bulk orders more than 12 bottles and with a order value of less than $250, extra delivery charges may be incurred by our delivery partner. We will inform you if that is the case.
Free delivery is applicable for all orders above S$250.
For international deliveries, please contact us by email separately. International shipping charges will apply for international delivery.
Payment modes
We offer the following types of payment modes - Credit/Debit card using PayPal services (you do not require a PayPal account to use this), Cash payments (Only available for self-collection) and Fund transfer / Bank deposit (Available for self-collection and standard shipping).
Cash payments are only available for self-collection at Bacchus retail store in Singapore. Should you wish to pay cash, please proceed to Westgate, 3 Gateway Drive #B1-02 (Isetan), Singapore 608532 to collect your wines and make payment after you have received your order fulfillment email. Items are normally available for collection 3 days from date of purchase. Should there be existing stock for your item at our retail shop, we will send you an email so that you have the option to pick it up even earlier. Kindly provide your order number to our staff so that they can assist you on-site.
For standard delivery items using "Cash payment / fund transfer" option, please note that we only accept fund transfer at the moment. Please fund transfer your total order amount to the following OCBC corporate account: 677-861353-001. Do send us an email once you have transferred the amount with the fund transfer transaction reference number. When we have received your fund transfer, we will schedule for your order delivery.
Out of Stock items
Although we use a closely monitored inventory system, our inventory is shared between the retail shop and the online shop. Hence, in the unfortunate event that your item is no longer available, we will contact you with recommendations (and price differences if any) to substitute that item with another vintage or comparable product. In the event that you do not wish to accept the substitution, we will ship the remaining available items (if applicable) or cancel the order on your behalf.
Checkout requirements
Please note that you must be of legal drinking age requirement in your country before you proceed to checkout. In Singapore, you would have to be 18 years and above.
Your online security
Please note that our e-commerce partner is Shopify. Hence during the payment process, you will be redirected to https://checkout.shopify.com's domain to protect your transaction using SSL. Similarly, the customer login page is also protected via SSL under https://bacchus-online.myshopify.com.
From the winery: VILLA GIRARDI AMARONE is produced from the four Valpolicella grape varieties (Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella and Oselta) which are cultivated high on hillside terraces. The modern guyot high density method of training the vines is used, and only the best and most mature clusters are selected for AMARONE. The grapes are placed directly onto small open racks and brought to an open sided building where they are dried by the cool breezes of autumn and winter until the following February. To produce Amarone is a labor of love. After fermentation, the wine then undergoes a period of aging of at least three years in oak barrels before being placed in bottles where the wine will age at least another year. By carefully managing the drying and vinification process, the winemaker Giancarlo Tommasi, crafts a wine of power and. VILLA GIRARDI Amarone is a wine which one can proudly serve on special occasions, particularly with red meats, game and ripe cheeses. But it can also be sipped an ideal companion to enjoyable conversation.